sponsors & partners:

Partially supported by WELCOME TO POLAND program of NAWA grant no. PPI/WTP/2022/1/00063


Preparatory School on Lefschetz Properties

The purpose of the Preparatory School is to provide an opportunity for early-career researchers to explore the diverse facets of Lefschetz Properties, which play a prominent role in various mathematical fields, including algebra, combinatorics, and geometry.

The school also offers more advanced researchers a quick introduction to the subject.

There will be three series of four two-hour lectures each, taught by renowned specialists in the field. These lectures will cover the circle of ideas revolving around various guises of Lefschetz Properties, shedding light on their essential role and applications in mathematics.

Join us for an enriching experience and gain valuable insights into this fascinating topic that transcends multiple areas of mathematics.


PEDRO MACIAS MARQUES - Universidade de Evora, Portugal with the assistance of NANCY ABDALLAH, University of Borås, Sweden
JUAN MIGLIORE - University of Notre Dame, USA with the assistance of Giuseppe Favacchio, University of Palermo, Italy
ALEXANDRA SECELEANU - University of Nebraska, Lincoln, USA with the assistance of Lisa Nicklasson, Mälardalen University, Sweden